Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So I've been gone for a while. Video games, reading, brainstorming, and just plain lack of motivation has kept me from doing anything really constructive, but I've started back up. Hopefully it'll last a little while. I managed to finish up my one page design document for the most part.

I'm going to start concept art soon, so hopefully ill be able to post something more than just text, get some pretty graphics up to break things up.

Lack of nerdy friends is starting to effect things. I dont know a whole lot of gamers, and the ones i do are either casual or dont really have much interest in design. Its hard to stay motivated when there isnt anyone too bounce ideas off of that has the time or interest to really want to do something.

anyways, i might be pre-ordering Bulletstorm(epic game is epic), which could hinder my progress some, but im going to try to keep working. look out for updates.

oh and anyone that actually consistently reads this stuff when i do post should leave a comment on here or facebook or something, I'de like to know if its more than just my one follower that im talking to.

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