Thursday, March 3, 2011

workin hard!

So I've done a ton of work. I have nearly finished mouse and keyboard controls. Two weapons that can be picked up, switched between, and thrown away. A shotgun that fires like a shotgun, and an SMG that has a high rate of fire but a large spread at a distance. Most of the art is placeholder, the only thing Ive done art wise that im fairly proud of and keeping are the crates seen above. The character is hard to see with the tiny picture but hes going to have a lot of work done to him, but that's probably the general idea of what im going with. Just need to mess with colors and details.
The yellow dots are the shotgun shot, the crates are weapon pickups.  The gun is just a recolored SMG silhouette(i was being lazy). The art is being updated over time(when im sick of typing)

Intended Size. They are technicaly 2 different crates.
Close Up (screws up resolution)

Thanks for reading. Should have even more to update on soon!

I also drew this. I just remembered...
Shotgun shell icon to overlay onto the crates...

1 comment:

The Elephant's Trunk said...

Wow babe,I'm really impressed. No wonder you were up so late. This is cool. Keep working, I love it!

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