Saturday, September 17, 2011

Showin' Off

So I think I finally have enough of the menu and small amount of collision and physics type stuff done to release a public "build". What you are downloading is a nearly completed menu, minus a lot of the final art and a few of the mechanics (no controls configuration and as of now it draws your saved characters naked.
     If you download to try it out, just unzip it and keep the folder the way it is, it creates text files for the saves and will bring up errors if you mess with the folder structure.
     Please take your time with the menu, and really mess with it, even try to break it. I would like a real list of bugs, criticism, and possible improvements from anyone that actually cares enough to write some stuff down. Other than that, there isn't much to this so its not like you will spend more than a couple minutes looking at it, but thank you if you do. More will hopefully be done soon.

If you would like to know more about this project and you haven't already looked at the project write up, please do so here.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

my eyes hurt

ok its super late and this is going to be terribly sloppy...i dont give a fuuuuuuuuh

ive been working a ton the last few nights. not much on the game itself, just on stuff to make the saving system alot easier down the road and alot of work on the main menu.

your gonna want to click for the original size so you can read it.

not all of this is functioning, but alot of it is.
thats all for now...

Monday, March 7, 2011


So the decision has been made. The online networking is a bit over my head right now, and if I dedicate my time to trying to learn it, nothing will actualy get done for a long time.

So whats going to happen is I'm going to continue on with what I was doing as a single player fairly story driven shooter. It will feature 2 player co-op with a dynamic split-screen, destructible terrain, tons of weapons, and HOPEFULLY, decent enemy AI.

Anyways, here is some new art...

..sadly it makes the shotgun look terrible. So I'm probably going to have to redo the shotgun. Plus its a little over sized in comparison to the character, but it kinda adds a cool stylized look to it. So I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. 

**i just realized that the color i use for a lot of the outlines are the same as the background on this blog. so just click the picture to get a better view of what it looks like.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


so Ive run into a little bit of a snag. I've been working on a game that is very much inspired by the semi famous 2d shooter SOLDAT, which is an online competitive game that I spent a lot of time in high school playing. Which finaly led me to looking into how well game maker can handle online multiplayer, which it can, the problem being it takes working with an external library and basic networking knowleadge...which I do not have. So basicaly im putting progress on hold for a little bit to see how realistic it would be to try and learn this in a few days to start working again. If I can't, I plan on backing up the files I have as a placeholder for future research into it, and continue on with what I've done as a single player or possibly 2 player split screen co op thing.

It wont be quite what i wanted, but its still something right now.

Until the decision is made...

...its too dangerous to go alone! take this!

Friday, March 4, 2011

yay for progress

Its super late so I'm not going to type much, but Ive gotten a bunch done. lots of bug fixes, lots of new stuff, and lots of stuff started.

I won't go into details yet, but here is some art to tide you over until I do.

                                                                                            Target dummy...                                                                                                ( i hope to release a play around demo to anyone that wants to see what ive done, itll have alot of these guys to show off the weapons.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

workin hard!

So I've done a ton of work. I have nearly finished mouse and keyboard controls. Two weapons that can be picked up, switched between, and thrown away. A shotgun that fires like a shotgun, and an SMG that has a high rate of fire but a large spread at a distance. Most of the art is placeholder, the only thing Ive done art wise that im fairly proud of and keeping are the crates seen above. The character is hard to see with the tiny picture but hes going to have a lot of work done to him, but that's probably the general idea of what im going with. Just need to mess with colors and details.
The yellow dots are the shotgun shot, the crates are weapon pickups.  The gun is just a recolored SMG silhouette(i was being lazy). The art is being updated over time(when im sick of typing)

Intended Size. They are technicaly 2 different crates.
Close Up (screws up resolution)

Thanks for reading. Should have even more to update on soon!

I also drew this. I just remembered...
Shotgun shell icon to overlay onto the crates...

Monday, February 28, 2011

finaly starting to work

So I've been stalling still because of the art for my game, but while I was reading the various forums and blogs that I follow, I came across this blog post for the second time. Reading it now after attempting a few game prototypes and giving up before i get anywhere, I actualy absorbed some of the advice.

So what I've decided to do is drop the theme of my game, I'm taking out the story and the steam punk theme for now and I'm just going to do a mechanics prototype. I am no artist, I never will be, and I need to focus on the design and programming side, because that's what I do. I really like the story and characters that I have come up with, but really don't feel that anything i could produce art wise would do any of it justice, so I'm going to just wait.

Obviously because every other post I have on here is me deciding to restart a project, it probably seems like ill never actually get anything done. But I feel good about this and I've started putting together some rough programmer art that I feel fits what I'm doing (mostly lots of squares that represent things...). Once I have that, it all just comes down to the code, and there isn't any hesitation with that, it just takes time.

So look forward to actual content uploads soon.