Thursday, January 13, 2011

crazy pixelated orgy of awesomeness

So my idea for my next project has matured a bit. After watching a play-through of Hero Core ( I haven't yet played it myself...), and then revisiting past ideas I've had now that I'm actually capable of putting something on the screen instead of just drawing a bunch of pictures and saying ill learn to code later. I've decided that I think I want to do an orgy of game systems that I've played in the past.

Super Meat Boy for its crazy awesome wall climbing. Shadow of the Colossus for its straight forwardness and for just being epic. And finally the Metroid series(specifically the SNES and Gameboy versions) for its simplicity and overall just great gameplay.

All of this game inspiration rolled up into a victorian style steampunky goodness. Steampunk, if you don't know, is usually an alternate Victorian age where we reached a state of high technology early on during the steam revolution. So imagine everything we have now but instead of fossil fuels and nuclear power, we used steam. It has a unique style that I am completely in love with, and tend to obsess over when it comes to this kind of idea.

So imagine a classic Victorian age, a lot more stylized (like it was taken out of a comic book) and then overrun it with dirty yet advanced steam gadgets and vehicles. Same thing goes with the clothing

<random google images steampunk models>
</random google images steampunk models>

Anyways, the game is hopefully going to be a large map platformer, with nonlinear exploration and the typical metroid upgrade to get further style. Plus the super meat boy wall jumping which will be used to take out giant steam vehicles/robots similar to Shadow of the Colossus.

Sounds super complicated. Its really not, and I think, given enough preparation and planning, I can actually pull it off. (Pixel art wont look like it does in my head, but who knows, ill probably surprise myself)

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